Advantages & Disadvantages of Depo Provera


If you are considering Depo Provera, it can be useful to weight the disadvantages against the advantages

  • Periods can be lighter and less painful
  • After a few injections, periods do not occur
  • May relieve premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
  • Is effective for three months
  • Only contains Progesterone, so is good for oestrogen intolerant women
  • Is not effected by changes in weight or when medication is used
  • Does not affect a mothers ability to breast feed safely


  • Once injection is given, it cannot be cancelled. It has to wear off.
  • Headaches, tiredness, mood changes and loss of libido (sexual drive) are all possible side effects
  • Periods may be irregular
  • Irregular bleeding may occur, but is light and only for first few injections
  • Long term use of Depo Provera can lead to Osteoporosis
  • Return of fertility can take up to 6 months
  • Does not prevent against Sexually Transmitted Infections

Effectivenss - 99% (If injected every three months)

Depo Provera is available at most Pharmacy's if self injected

You can recieve an injection for around $25 + medical costs (if using a doctor)

As is evident, the ratio of Advantages to Disadvantages is about equal, with high effectiveness and a annual cost of about $100.